{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}

{{trans "Hello %name," name=$customer_name}}

{{trans "We’re here to confirm your forgotten shopping cart at our shop recently. Do those items still have a warm place in your wish list?"}}

{{layout handle="ace_email_quote_items" quoteId=$quoteId area="frontend"}}
{{trans 'Your cart here' checkout_url=$checkout_url |raw}}

{{trans "Please come back soon if you need anything from our service. %store_name is looking forward to hearing your confirmation soon." store_name=$store.getFrontendName()}}

{{trans "We truly appreciate the time you spending with us."}}
{{depend coupon_code}} {{trans "We are leaving this coupon %couponCode as our special discount." couponCode=$coupon_code |raw}}
{{/depend}} {{depend to_date}} {{trans "It will be valid to %to" to=$to_date}} {{/depend}}

{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}