{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}
{{trans "Hi %name! Great deals between us are not over yet!" name=$customer_name |raw}}
{{trans "We care about your smile and your pleasure. Please let us give it more chances. %store_name wonders if this item list may recall your interest." store_name=$store.getFrontendName()}}
{{layout handle="ace_email_quote_items" quoteId=$quoteId area="frontend"}}{{trans 'Your cart here' checkout_url=$checkout_url |raw}} |
{{trans "Products are not the only value we wish to deliver, but also your happiness."}}
{{depend coupon_code}}
{{trans "How about we could offer you the coupon %couponCode in order to encourage you to complete the left
shopping cart?" couponCode=$coupon_code |raw}}
{{depend to_date}}
{{trans "Hurry up since this coupon is only valid until %to" to=$to_date}}