{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}

{{trans "Have a nice day %name," name=$customer_name |raw}}

{{trans "Oh. %store_name has to tell you this secret that all the items left in your shopping cart few days ago are becoming the hot trend recently, and there are only few remaining in our stock at the moment. So hurry up and keep yourself a copy right today! If you are still interested in those products" store_name=$store.getFrontendName()}}

{{layout handle="ace_email_quote_items" quoteId=$quoteId area="frontend"}}
{{trans 'Your cart here' checkout_url=$checkout_url |raw}}

{{trans "Come back with us soon and we promise to assist you in purchasing process as fast as possible."}}

{{depend coupon_code}} {{trans "You will be able to receive a coupon %couponCode as our appreciation." couponCode=$coupon_code |raw}}
{{/depend}} {{depend to_date}} {{trans "Note in mind that it can be only valid to %to" to=$to_date}} {{/depend}}

{{trans "See you again!"}}

{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}