{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}
{{trans "Hello %name," name=$customer_name}}
{{trans "I’m %sender from %store_name and hopefully, you haven’t forgotten us as well as the shopping cart you left in our store recently. Thus, we would love to be sure that below items will catch your attention again." sender=$sender store_name=$store.getFrontendName()}}
{{layout handle="ace_email_quote_items" quoteId=$quoteId area="frontend"}}{{trans 'Your cart here' checkout_url=$checkout_url |raw}} |
{{trans "Or if anything got you confused in shopping process? Feel free to contact again to discuss problems you may have. Your satisfaction is the best product we desire to deliver."}}
{{depend coupon_code}}
{{trans "Friendly remind that the coupon %couponCode is waiting for you." couponCode=$coupon_code |raw}}
{{depend to_date}}
{{trans "The expiration date will be lasted until %to" to=$to_date}}
{{trans "Thank you so much and have a nice day."}}
{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}